Family Trusts

We Can Help Your Protect What Belongs To Your Family

Your family's wellbeing is our business

Protecting Your Assets Benefits Your Family

A family trust protects your wealth. It lets you choose how to benefit your family during your lifetime, and makes critical provisions should you die.
Your property, investments, savings and personal possessions can all be passed into the ownership of a family trust for the benefit or your spouse, children, and grandchildren.
Wills and Estate Planning Services

How Can A Family Trust Protect My Family's Assets?

Protect against bankruptcy or financial loss

A family trust can protect your property and other assets from being claimed by your creditors.

Protect against sideways disinheritance

A family trust can protect your children’s inheritance if you or they remarry or enter into a new long-term relationship. Assets passed to your own children can pass directly to your grandchildren instead of an in-law.

Protect against probate costs and delays

Probate can take up to 2 years to process. Property and assets owned by a family trust are not subject to probate and can be distributed straight after death while also relieving the family of heavy probate costs.

Protect your children's financial future

Funds in a family trust can be used for schooling, university, or home ownership. Assets can be added to the trust and made available to your children at a certain age,

protect against inheritance tax

Minimise costly inheritance tax by securing your assets in a family trust.

Protect yourself against illness or mental incapacity

If you become unable to make important decisions, assets in your family trust can be managed on your behalf by a trustee. You also have access to funds in the trust as needed to help maintain the quality of your life.

Expert Will Writing AnD Estate Planning IN the UK

Why Choose Brighton Wills?

Our friendly family-oriented approach gives you peace of mind without the hassle.
  • You will be dealing with real people who have your best interests at the heart of our business.
  • We maintain excellent standards through our membership of The Society of Will Writers, who administer the industry Code of Practice.
  • Our professional, yet non-stuffy approach is a testament to the hundreds of satisfied clients who have chosen Brighton Wills to write over 5000 wills and lasting power of attorney documents since 2014.
  • And for your peace of mind — we carry Professional Indemnity Insurance of £2 million — and we are always happy to provide references if required.

Will Writing and Estate Planning - Your Questions Answered!

What Is Probate?

Probate is the method of dealing with the properties of someone who has died, i.e. paying off their creditors and dividing their assets according to their own will.

How Does Probate Work?

Probate is the process of managing the estate of a deceased person, including wealth, asset and property distribution.

What Is Intestacy?

Intestacy is when an estate of a person that dies without a will owns property with a cumulative value greater than that of their unpaid debts

What Is An Inheritor?

An Inheritor is a person who inherits something, i.e. an heir. The terms “heir” and “beneficiary” interchangeably, but there are important differences.

What Is An Inheritance?

Inheritance refers to anything a person bequeaths to his or her loved ones after passing away - including cash, investments, stocks, jewellery, automobiles etc.

What Is An Executor?

A succession executor is an adult appointed to manage a deceased person’s assets. Their responsibility is to carry out the orders for handling the affairs and wishes of the estate

What Is A Trust?

A trust is an arrangement in which someone - knows as a trustee, is granted the right to possess property or properties on behalf of the beneficiary.

What Is A Testator?

A testator is a person of sound mind who creates a will. If a person dies before they have the chance to create a will, then they are said to have died “intestate.”

What Is A Last Will & Testament?

This is the most significant element of every plan for an estate - namely, the specifics of what will happen to property and assets after death

What Is A Bequest?

A bequest is a gift left to a family, friend or organisation in a will. There are many different forms of legacies to take into account when writing a will.

What Is A Beneficiary?

A beneficiary is a person who, is expected to inherit something from an estate - including income, belongings, properties or stocks and shares

Who Inherits If There Is No Will?

If a person dies without leaving a valid will, according to UK law, their estate must be shared out amongst married or civil partners.


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Hassle-Free Will Writing and Lasting Powers Of Attorney

Protect yourself and your legacy YOUR way.

We can help you with the important life decisions of how to assign your property to your loved ones and take care of yourself in any eventuality, without unwanted and time consuming intervention from the courts.

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